[nycphp-talk] NYPHP List Reorganization?

Hans Zaunere hans at
Fri Sep 26 11:44:19 EDT 2003

Out of about 15 posts on the topic, there's 30 different viewpoints, which is good. Thank you for the suggestions, now someone just make a decision :)

I'm not sure where the notion of an elite list came from, but a NYPHP-AMP would be nothing of the sort - it'd be simply a more poignant list for a specific set of topics.  However, as has correctly been pointed out, it'd probably take away from this list.

The "problem" that I suggested needed to be solved was not that of the occasional off-topic post; afterall, this is the "Talk list" and a community needs to communicate.  But, I do see a large turnover on subscriptions/unsubscriptions and I think it's important that those who are looking for a poignant technical resource be able to have it.  True, mail filtering makes this less of a problem, but one of the core reasons NYPHP exists is to help support PHP, etc. and make it easy for new users and experts alike to quickly find the resources they need.  It can be difficult enough to adopt/learn a new technology, without wading through a lot of email (whether it be off-topic or on).  I think NYPHP should be as accomodative as possible to users (afterall, PHP is brand new in the grand scheme of programming languages), while retaining a casual community atmosphere that has been NYPHP from the start.

I think the general consensus has been to *not* grow another list, but other, possibly better options, have surfaced.

Somethings to consider for future development:
   -- having the list be "subject line aware"
   -- maintain a listing of poingant answers/questions, allowing list regulars to refer others to them (a FAQ of sorts)
   -- build a repository of member's "Favorite Posts" or a "Top 10"
   -- integrating tips in posts, where people can mark sections of posts as valuable for future reference

These are fine ideas, and will be developed, but would certainly require some time before they can fully be implemented.

Two other topics, however, have been voiced in the past, and perhaps they're ready for primetime.  Web forums have come up a lot, but implementing them has gotten lost in the shuffle.  A few suggestions have been made:


Of these, or others people have had a positive experience with, which could we go with?  Using a commercial product is fine since quality and functionality of the forum is paramount.  After we decide on a forum application, I'll look at getting it online.

Lastly, the notion of list guidelines and suggestions is something we're sorely lacking, and something almost all other lists have.  I have some ideas myself, but I'm sure others have better ideas on this than I.  Please contact me if you can pass on some ideas and suggestions for putting this together.

Thanks all,


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