[nycphp-talk] PHP Timing Mechanism

Sexton, David David.SextonJr at
Tue Sep 30 16:28:36 EDT 2003

Hey Gang,
After a few months of trying to figure out why we were getting sets of
maximum execution timeout errors at totally random times, I've narrowed it
down to being the result of adhoc queries that return very large datasets. I
noticed something interesting though, and I was wondering if anyone had any
information on this...
First of all, it's PHP build 4.3.2 running in CGI mode on Win32. We have the
max_execution_time directive set to 90 seconds, but whenever one of these
wide-open adhoc queries is executed, the spawned PHP process eats up over
90% CPU time... but for about 6 minutes in real time. This is leading me to
believe that PHP's internal timer is actually being short-changed by it's
own CPU intensive existence. :)  Anyway, it seems like what PHP "thinks" is
90 seconds is actually more like 5-10 minutes in reality. Is this a bug, a
WIN32 specific problem, both, etc... any information would be appreciated.
We are planning to cap the resources that the scripts consume in other ways
as a workaround, but in the meantime, we are experiencing periods of
excessive slowness and multiple script timeouts since other php.exe procs
seem to get held up by the initial culprit.

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