[nycphp-talk] memory_get_usage() on win32

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Thu Apr 1 12:45:37 EST 2004

Hi Folks:

Someon reported a bug in DB about a memory leak 

Their example uses memory_get_usage(), which isn't enabled on Win32
systems (unless, I guess, I compile my own with the --enable-memory-limit
configuration option).  Any ideas how I can track memory usage some other
way via PHP?

Know what, it probably doesn't matter.  I've watched the process via the
Task Manger's process list (Windows 2000 Pro) and the memory usage doesn't
increase even after several itterations of the loop.  So he may be having
a problem due to his OS/PHP/MySQL combination.

Anyone feel like testing it on other platforms?

Other thoughts?



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