[nycphp-talk] mysql resources question ... (static content)

felix zaslavskiy felix at
Fri Apr 2 01:01:01 EST 2004

If you have stuff in the database that should not be in the database then
why just not put it in there in the first place. For example if someone
uploads files to a site you may not want to put it in the database but
just store the files on the drive as well regular files. No xml needed :)

If you really must have all this stuff in the database and your site is
slow you can do many things to improve performance. Here is a few things
that come to my mind.
1.rewrite queries to make them faster
2.use application caching for example pear::Cache_Lite
3.pregenerate pages, this can be done like a caching too (i think this is
the way very busy sites do it)

> i think my design in something might have been flawed ...
> i spent a few days creating a simple DTD/Schema for a site only to go back
> to a full database and the resources seems to be bogging down the results
> page w/ alot of queries for single pages ... which is fine since it just
> started ... but then i realized alot of certain content even though it was
> relational was pretty boring and static and when it dropped into an
> archive
> it was such a "waste" to even have in the db.
> so the question is if alot of people just leave it for the sake of it
> being
> in the database because it should be there or would it be better to dump
> it
> all out to XML and parse from there (simple_xml is so fast)?  is this a
> common scenerio?  i dont think this is a db vs. xml discussion but rather
> a
> "long term thinking" resource strategy question ...
> thanks for any input ...
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Felix Zaslavskiy
felix at
(718) 576-1923

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