[nycphp-talk] automatic translation

rinaudom at rinaudom at
Fri Apr 2 06:41:58 EST 2004

You were pretty clear while explaining what you need.
Once you are done with auto/manual translation (e.g. you got translated
text), you may consider to use my GPL software, PanamaSuite
(, which is REALLY useful in order to
manage languages. This software assumes you already got translated text;
it is ready for 40 preconfigured languages you can manage via the
control-panel. All text is stored in database (MySQL for now); each text
region is callable via a needle you define for it, e.g.:
echo $panamasuite->getText('WELCOME_TEXT');
where `WELCOME_TEXT' is the text displayed in the active language stored
in session. Languages can be deactivated (when you still not have a ready
translation), modified (modifying, for istance, the text direction, the
code page, etc.) and created. Each needle you plan to insert in your PHP
application must be mapped in database via the proper control panel. A
`security filter' allows you to switch on/off some actions like
delete/modify needle.
Last version of PanamaSuite is 0.8.0 (Thu Feb 12 16:34:28 CET 2004).
Let me know if you find it useful.

Matteo Rinaudo

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