[nycphp-talk] php authentication and .htaccess protection

David Yun dyun at
Fri Apr 2 13:31:03 EST 2004

I'm working on developing a client extranet, and I'm having trouble with one
key conceptual/technical issue.

In the past, our company (we do web design) has uploaded client beta sites
to .htaccess - protected directories. We sent the client a link to the beta
site with a user name and password to login. Now, we want to send all
clients to one site where they can login and be directed to a "project
status" page that gives them all the latest info on their project and links
to beta pages/sites. For this part, I would like to use some sort of session

The problem is that the "beta" sites are not necessarily written in php, and
we don't want to have to add an authentication script to every page we
upload for a client to view and approve. Furthermore, we don't want to make
clients login twice - first to the main extranet page, and second to a
password-protected directory.

Does anyone know a solution to this problem, or know of a way to pass a
userid and password from php to the .htaccess protection?

Many thanks,

David Yun, Production Manager  <dyun at>
Blue Iceberg LLC
Website Development | Strategic Marketing | Business Solutions
Tel: 212.413.9226 Ext.9238  Fax: 212.413.9201

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