[nycphp-talk] PHP server app

Joel De Gan joel at
Sun Apr 4 01:26:39 EST 2004

On Sat, 2004-04-03 at 23:58, felix zaslavskiy wrote:
> > Anyone have experience running a constantly running 'server' app based on
> > php from a linux server?
> >
> There is nothing that techincaly stops php being used that way.
> There is sockets api's extensions. I dont know which is most stable though.
> Memory leaks may be a problem.  You can certainly do it but be prepared to
> restart the thing daily.

Not so, at least not now:
I have had php server/client apps that have run for over a hundred days, and one of those 
was a forked mailserver I wrote I called honeymail (see for
incomplete source, I never have released the source in full as it was never finished to where
I wanted it to be).
Another I have written is a bot that scours the soulseek network and populates
(but I have not been keeping up on that recently as that one hogs resources as translating peoples 30,000
MP3 collection has a tendency to take up a lot of memory. It ran for two months solid with no problems.)
The main issue with people having to restart is that they are not utilizing posix functions. and are trying to run an app in linear mode vs forked mode
(such as how apache and mysql run).
Anyway, PHP works just fine for a server apps, it not the "preferred" choice for most, but for me, I like it.
-Joel De Gan

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