[nycphp-talk] PHP server app

Shannon Weyrick weyrick at
Mon Apr 5 13:24:04 EDT 2004

felix zaslavskiy wrote:

> As natural progression of things people now want to implement server
> application in scripting languages because performance is not a probelem
> anymore since machines are so much faster.


> The question is which scripting language to use? In the begining php
> was not intended to be used that way. It start out as a simple way to
> add dynamic content to html. But people like php so much they want to
> use it for everything.

... including not only server tasks, but GUI apps (a la php-gtk) and 
other more general purpose tasks.

This is one of the reasons we started the Roadsend PHP Compiler project
( There is more and more demand for using PHP as a
general purpose programming language.

As you mention there are plenty of other languages (scripting or 
otherwise) one could use to accomplish these things, but nonetheless the 
demand to do it in PHP is there.

Shannon Weyrick

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