[nycphp-talk] hairbrained?

felix zaslavskiy felix at
Mon Apr 5 20:59:51 EDT 2004

You can't do what yahoo or hotmail does. If you are google you can.

You can setup a single email server it will be able to service a couple
hundred or more accounts and possibly also web hosting.
You will have to pay for server and bandwidth.
Server+RAID ~ 2K (dont get cheap on RAID)
Bandwidth ~ $100/month

Make sure to give the account to people your org knows in person or else
you will get spammers.  You will need someone tending to the server
because some user may catch one of those nasty Windows worms and someone
needs to be there to disable their account. Additionaly patching need and
other admin taks need done.

At small scale there is nothing wrong with doing this service. At Yahoo
level that is just dreams.

> Hi Folks,
> My boss got an idea.  Somebody suggested to him that our underfunded
> non-profit should start our own web portal full of news headlines and
> stories related to the issues we deal with, plus lots of news stories we
> create about our own work.  Then, on top of that, we could also do like
> free
> email hosting like Yahoo does,
> and let people check their email online and
> whatever.  Then, also, we could have free web hosting for people who are
> affiliated with our organization's work, or people who just like the
> issues
> we stand for;  we give away the hosting service and then we get people to
> upgrade to a paid service and -- get this! -- we can actually start making
> money at this, which is good since we certainly need money, and people
> will
> probably be okay to pay us since they already agree with our ideals.
> The department director who brought this up honestly thinks there's
> potential here.  I, on the other hand, honestly believe that probably 50
> people in Westchester county independently "discovered" this same "great
> plan" on the same day as this person, probably also while in the shower or
> on the toilet.
> Would anybody out there like to tell me how wonderful this plan is?  I'm
> already looking for ways to talk my boss down off this ledge before he
> jumps.
> - Allen
> --
> ===========================================================
> Allen Shaw                                  ashaw at
> IIFWP Data and                           914.631.1331 x.106
>     IT Services              
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Felix Zaslavskiy
felix at
(718) 576-1923

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