[nycphp-talk] Is it worth learning Python too?

felix zaslavskiy felix at
Wed Apr 14 11:30:37 EDT 2004

> I sometimes assume that a lot of the advanced programmers on this list
> already speak C. I wonder if that's so -- maybe I should put a survey on
> the forum.
Back in school I done C,C++ a bit of Java and even some assembly.

For open source hackers C is a must because it increases once potential at
solving really tricky problems that cannot be done with a scripting
language alone.

I am playing around with a bit Ruby right now (similar to Python). I also
like to learn some Prolog in the future maybe even Lisp.

Yea Python is another language with the Object Oriented in it. PHP will
have the Object thing too very soon. I dont seen nothing revolutionary in

> Anyway I've been looking for a good excuse to study C, having come at this
> wonderful world from the top -- one of those non-programmer people who
> started marking up HTML in the mid 90s, then got curious about how forms
> get processed, and one thing led to another (and another, and another...)
> Python looks like great fun, though.
> ---
> David Mintz
>         "Anybody else got a problem with Webistics?" -- Sopranos 24:17
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Felix Zaslavskiy
felix at
(718) 576-1923

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