[nycphp-talk] Is it worth learning Python too?

James Wetterau james at
Wed Apr 14 16:06:10 EDT 2004

Adam Fields says:
> James Wetterau wrote:
> [...]
> > I also like the sense of comfort it gives you when plunging into
> > oddball tasks where no one's the expert, e.g. "Can you make this
> > 25-year-old unsupported APL program running on an old mainframe using
> > EBCDIC character encoding work correctly with data coming from a
> > custom VB COM component running on NT4 that interoperates with and
> > relies on stored procedures in a Sybase database hosted on SunOS
> > 4.1.4?  We upgraded the environment and something broke."  I enjoy
> > those kinds of questions.  There are no experts for that sort of
> > thing, and only breadth of experience really counts and really helps.
> Hey! I wrote that! There was some FAME 4GL in there too...
> Man, I hate APL.

I was actually creating a composite picture of some of the most, uh,
interesting projects that I and my colleagues (including you) have
worked on.  I don't think that exact combination ever showed up, but
every single one of the pieces, and several in combination, down to
EBCDIC - ASCII translation/communication with NT 4, has been a piece
of a project that I or my teammates working with me have dealt with.

APL seems to attract a "special" kind of programmer.  I'll never
forget some wildly beaming A-plus enthusiasts at Usenix handing me a
sticker for it.  (A-plus is an APL related/derivative/mutant offshoot
from Morgan Stanley.)  The sticker was in psychedelic colors and
letters and said "A-plus: Awk on Crack".  You just don't see that kind
of marketing much.

You can find out all about A-plus here:

Here's a cool-looking example program:

I always thought programming languages needed more Greek letters,
arrows, and math symbols.  PHP would really take off it it would only
start using them.  :-)

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