[nycphp-talk] mysql over ssl using php

jon baer jonbaer at
Wed Apr 14 23:32:52 EDT 2004

I actually couldnt get it compiled + ended up tunneling 3306 instead w/ ssh

I cant remember what the exact problem was but someone said the flag was
inoperable (< 4.0) and that the mysqli extension in PHP5 w/ > 4.1 was the
way (only way I think) to go ... which I still find kinda odd because Im
*sure* someone setups up MySQL w/ SSL (or everyone installs it localhost)

I had the same problem, an admin tool installed locally on a laptop ->
remote server and just opened the tunnel before running the tool.  I think
there are just presumptions that the db and scripting language will end up
on the same box :-\

- Jon

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Snyder" <csnyder at>
To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 5:27 PM
Subject: [nycphp-talk] mysql over ssl using php

> I need to set up some remote database connections, and I'm not so keen
> on transmitting passwords and data in the clear.
> Has anyone used the |CLIENT_SSL |flag with mysql_connect() ?
> Googling the archives turned up a similar message from Jon Baer a few
> months ago:
> ... any
> luck with that Jon?

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