[nycphp-talk] OO PHP-Gtk

Dan Cech dcech at
Thu Apr 15 11:20:06 EDT 2004

Scott Mattocks wrote:
>>  function connect ($event, $callback) {
>>    $callback[0]->{$callback[1]}();
>>  }
> Is this how php-gtk handles callbacks?  I was under the impression that 
> it was done statically.  So that with your example it would look more like:
> function connect ($event, $callback) {
>   $callback[0]::{$callback[1]}();
> }
> I think it has to be calling the methods statically because if I have 
> two methods, one that sets the member var and the other that checks the 
> value and reacts, I get very confusing results.
> ...
> var $memberVar = FALSE;
> ...
> $button->connect('event', array($this, 'method1'));
> $button->connect_after('event', array($this, 'method2'));
> ...
> function method1() {
>   echo $this->memberVar;
>   $this->memberVar = TRUE;
>   echo $this->memberVar;
> }
> funciton method2() {
>   if ($this->memberVar) {
>     echo 'It worked';
>   } else {
>     echo 'It didn't work';
> }
> ...
> Method one will print exactly what you would expect, but when I get to 
> method2, memberVar is FALSE again and I get 'It didn't work.'

My guess would be that you need to set the callback functions like:

$button->connect('event', array(&$this, 'method1'));
$button->connect_after('event', array(&$this, 'method2'));

With the ampersand they *should* be called correctly, whereas without 
the ampersand each will work on it's own *copy* of $this.

Hope this helps,


> Thanks,
> Scott Mattocks

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