[nycphp-talk] SPAM Killing, Invisible to Spiders - Dynamic Image Creation?

jon baer jonbaer at
Fri Apr 16 19:17:38 EDT 2004

If you attempt this with Referrer/URL checking (per your own domain) and list of known browsers it has been kind of effective although I don't do it 100% of the time.  At one time I was rewritting code as such to just post e-mail:

E-mail: <?= getEmail(MY_ID) ?>

If the request didnt come from my own domain it would be blank (although bookmarking + other quirks didn't work).  On the flipside, I find stripping emails from craigslist XML to be rather trivial ... its the only list I really data mine from.

As for spam killing once you have been targeting Im trying to write or figure out if bouncing the email manualy w/ a script can get you off some of these.

- Jon

Method 2
- - -
Use PHP to split an email address into parts and display as:
Joe_Smith AT nyphp DOT com

Though I see this often on techy sites I am almost certain that spiders can easily figure this one out. Guess one could play around with the permutation to stay ahead of the spiders but that's kind of annoying to do.

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