[nycphp-talk] HTML email

John Corry lists at
Tue Apr 20 05:07:10 EDT 2004

I did update windows/IE...

I just set up a test page...simple, simple. Load the script and it sends me
an <h1> tag...same thing. I get the headers at the top of the page followed
by the code.

Then I got the idea to call the problem script off of the old server. I did
and it sent me the HTML email...perfectly. But the same script running on
the new server sends text: Headers at the top of the page followed by the
HTML code.

Another thing I notice is the From: and Reply To: fields aren't getting set
on the new server...when I get the email, the 'from' field just contains
'root at'

Is it something weird with PHP 4.3.4?


> I could be wrong but did you update w/ the Microsoft patches 
> this week?
> (there were like 5 or so), from what I gathered on sec-lists 
> and my own experience seems to be causing alot of 
> IE/OE/Outlook problems ...
> - Jon
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