[nycphp-talk] [ot] Apache testing suite considerations

Chris Bielanski Cbielanski at
Thu Apr 22 12:08:34 EDT 2004

Right on, getting better hits on the list than I got on Google - sooooo much
chaff. Seems I have this problem where I use search terms that make sense to
me, but not to "normal" (non-geek) users, so I always get tons of useless
but matched noise at the top of my results.

My compatriot here actually said he was looking for "Something like what IIS
provides for [those metrics]" so I think I will have him look at JMeter to
start. I am usually the one that codes tools and widgets (my absolute
favorite job) so the learning curve will be more mine than his ;)

I'm gonna miss you guys when I'm gone these next two weeks! (No, I will not
set an out-of-office, don't worry).


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