[nycphp-talk] Search for NYPHP List Archives available (alpha ver)

jon baer jonbaer at
Thu Apr 22 12:12:51 EDT 2004

> Next NYPHP meeting (Tues April 27) is going to have
> an introduction to Clew. Anyone who dreads 'googling'
> (and I'm with you there) will probably find Clew to
> be very interesting.

I personally like this idea ... something I ended up doing a while back in
JSP was w/ Alice for mailing lists (procmail) and forums ... it ended up
being a PHP version for PHPBB (without forum subscriptions) ...

You had 2 sides, one where "admin" type people would post to the list and
"machine learning" would take over where AIML/XML was written and made
available to other users for their questions.  Pretty much like an always
updating FAQ via a mailing list and answers would show up @ bottom of the
email or to the user directly.  The email address and a Key: header would be
used for authentication which Clew seems to use (although I havent followed
it lately).

This is a good start.

- Jon

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