[nycphp-talk] Groogle ... (was [ot] Apache)

Tim Gales tgales at
Thu Apr 22 13:03:07 EDT 2004

On Behalf Of jon baer
> Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 12:56 PM
> To: NYPHP Talk
> Subject: [nycphp-talk] Groogle ... (was [ot] Apache)
> >
> > Each month I keep seeing a steady decline in what is in google and 
> > find that it takes longer to get to something that is not trying to 
> > sell me viagra, penis enlargement, gambling etc.
> >
> I think what you have to do is look @ the exact root of the 
> problem ... the "Internet" is not divided among educational 
> purposes (like it once was) and commercial purposes, its a 
> mixed bag of crap.  Have you ever seen any of the affiliate 
> marketing sites?  Its almost like they *encourage* spam and 
> bad links ... and every site is making it easier for others 
> to make money through affiliation which means only more crap. 
>  I spent the last month or so figuring this out because my 
> wife decided to ecom her stuff and I setup a site and looked 
> into affiliating / adsense / adwords / overture / etc and 
> came to the same conclusion as you that Google is deteriating 
> away for research use and that there is no reason for that 
> "Im Feeling Lucky" button anymore.
 Oh that's what that button was for -- I thought it was like 
 the 'hit the monkey and win a digital camera' promotion.

Tim G.

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