[nycphp-talk] login window snippet

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Sat Apr 24 09:53:16 EDT 2004

leam wrote:
> I'm setting up an editor so the site owner can write his own web pages. 
> I'm trying to move slowly because any of this seems likely to open op a 
> security hole and it's a shared host. I don't wanna make any mistakes.
> Anyone have a login (log in, log-in) snippet that will protect this one 
> page? The site does have mysql so I can use a user table if needed.

Please see PEAR::Auth:

This will quickly protect your one page, and can easily scale to cover 
the entire website.  Will support logins stored in a database table, 
flatfile, you name it.

Code comes with examples, and is adequately documented.

-- Mitch

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