[nycphp-talk] re: Regular Expressions Helper available (alpha ver)

Jayesh Sheth jayeshsh at
Sat Apr 24 18:47:19 EDT 2004

Hello Jon,

Thanks for the link. I actually stumbled across it earlier today (before 
I saw your email on the NYPHP site) while I was searching through the 
NYPHP Talk archives.

I downloaded and tried out the RegEx tutor and it is really nice. The 
funny thing is that PHPEdit's regular expression helper looks a lot 
similar, except it has less functionality. But the error messages 
produced by both programs are nearly the same or identical.

  Another funny thing is that I could not PHPEdit's regex helper to 
work. It does not like "/" as a delimiter and even misbehaves if I use 
"#" as the delimiter.

So all in all, I am happy with RegEx tutor.

I will, however, continue to develop my own "RegEx Helper" to have some 
built in regexes that people can select and try out. Eventually, (if 
people other than I use it), I would like to store people's trial 
history and ask them if they want to submit their successful experiment 
back to the site.

Mine won't have the fancy highlighting that RegEx tutor has, but it will 
offer some other built-in selection of expressions and community based 
review and feedback.

Now, I just hope I have time to do all this ;-)

Best Regards,

- Jay

 > John Lacey wrote:
 >You may want to check out this nice little program for learning
 >Perl-compatible regex

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