[nycphp-talk] Can't get no $action

Jeff Siegel jsiegel1 at
Mon Apr 26 10:05:34 EDT 2004

Some of these books have great ideas but make life quite confusing for 
the newcomer. Some books use $HTTP_POST_VARS and others use $_POST in 
their code. (See note 1 at It depends 
when they were written. And, as you found out, some assume 
register_globals has been turned on.

Jeff Siegel

leam wrote:
> Sorry for the lousy joke, this one's been beating me up for days.
> I'm using the editor.php script from "Beginning PHP4" (Wrox press) and 
> it uses a call to $PHP_SELF to refresh the page on submit. ($PHP_SELF is 
> set from $_SERVER[PHP_SELF]) At the end there is a switch statement that 
> is supposed to save the file if the action "save_file" is set, otherwise 
> just do the regular edit page.

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