[nycphp-talk] web page file extensions

Brian Preston-Campbell brian at
Wed Apr 28 11:54:49 EDT 2004

Make a text file and name it .htaccess.  Open it in your favorite editor and 
put in one line:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .htm .html

Upload it to the directory you wish to parse .html as .php.  This will also 
affect directories recursively -- those under the directory you put it in, in 
other words.

On Wednesday 28 April 2004 11:49 am, Aaron Fischer wrote:
> I'd like to test this out.  However, I'm a relative newb and have never
> worked with an .htaccess file.  I'd appreciate any helpful links to get
> me up to speed with .htaccess and/or tips for how to create the file,
> where to put it on the server, and any text needed in addition to what
> is listed below.
> Thanks!
> -Aaron
> On Apr 28, 2004, at 10:57 AM, Brian Preston-Campbell wrote:
> > Test an .htaccess file with the following:
> >
> > AddType application/x-httpd-php .htm .html
> >
> > Depending upon the server configuration, it may allow you to parse
> > .htm and
> > .html files as .php
> >
> > Brian
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