[nycphp-talk] FW: Vulnerability in PNG image format (Linux / OSX)

Hans Zaunere hans at
Thu Aug 5 14:27:47 EDT 2004


> The US-CERT announced a vulnerability in libpng, the library that
> handles processing for PNG images in many unix-like operating systems.
> PNG is a fairly popular image file format which is equivalent to GIF,
> and found on many web sites and in some email messages.
> The US-CERT says:
> "A remote attacker could cause an application to crash or potentially
> execute arbitrary code by convincing a victim user to visit a
> web site or view an email message containing a malformed image."
> At this time Linux and Apple OSX appear to be vulnerable, as do the
> Mozilla suite of web browsers and email clients.  RedHat has issued a
> patch along with some other Linux vendors, but Apple has not yet
> released a patch.  Be sure to check for updates in the coming hours
> days until this issue is resolved.
> For more details about this vulnerability read the US-CERT's advisory:

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