[nycphp-talk] Hmm, how to count 'online' users?

Mark Armendariz nyphp at
Thu Aug 12 16:53:35 EDT 2004

> Why use Outlook for anything? Is this corporate mandate or 
> what? Many people are still using the old OutLook and so get 
> infected and spammed constantly.

I'm not a huge fan of MS for lots of reasons, security being a big one, BUT,
I feel outlook 03 is by far one of the best email clients I've ever used
(and I've tried at least 30 windows email clients - large and small).
Personally, I've had no security issues with it (thus far).  I tend not to
recommend it (hold this reply) as I know MS can hardly be trusted, but until
the day I can get similar or better functionality from another developer, I
have to stick with it for email.

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