[nycphp-talk] PHP resources

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Thu Aug 19 23:38:44 EDT 2004

Joseph Crawford Jr. wrote:

>i have and use firefox ;)
>but i hadnt a clue about this, thanks

No problem, it's easy to miss with all those extensions :)

My faves are Web Developer, AdBlock, Sage and (RSS Sidebar).  Web 
Developer is awesome for checking and validating your output (and 
proposed layout changes!); and also the Speed Report is pretty keen for 
a quick look at the size of your layouts and content.  Neat how they 
also indicate whether the server is using gzip compression or not - 
saved my bacon a couple of times ;)

Oh, and if you are interested I have some killer default filters for 
AdBlock, and have very little problems with the extension.

-- Mitch

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