[nycphp-talk] new project, beta testers? - followup

Joel De Gan joel at
Fri Aug 20 15:05:27 EDT 2004

Thanks to those of you who volunteered.
The xml/atom/rss feeds are up. see:

Also, the other question I had about other services that are "not"
browsercam (the site seems to crash all the time which is reason enough
not to use it..) but do the same thing.. Anyone have any ideas?



On Wed, 2004-08-18 at 18:33, Joel De Gan wrote:
> Hi all:
> I am building a free service, project at
> It is primarily geared for the Firefox browser but obviously would like
> it work in all browsers.
> Couple questions:
> I am currently working with a browsercam free account to do the
> compatibility issues. Anyone have any experience with other browser
> tester sites?
> I know this is a common issue..
> Also will be adding in rdf/rss/atom/js feeds per user today and was
> wondering if some people wanted to be a lab rats?
> Thanks
joeldg - developer, Intercosmos media group.

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