[nycphp-talk] job: developers and designers needed

Hans C. Kaspersetz hans.kaspersetz at
Sat Aug 21 13:32:25 EDT 2004

I would like to follow-up with my post last night and put this to rest. 
My post last night was insensitive. It was late and I did not take the 
time to make my response diplomatic. I purely stated what the guidelines 
are and where the community can go to review them.

My intention was to let the user know there is another list for this 
purpose and that there are guidelines that prompted my response. I try 
and make it a habit not to offer guidance unless I can offer a reference 
to back it up. I also try and not operate on pure opinion when offering 
that guidance.

As John stated, the guidelines I refereed to are relatively new. 
Normally, an off list mod is the way to go but I responded on list to 
raise the awareness of the guidelines. I did not state that he would be 
prohibited from posting after review. I just stated that posts that are 
commercial in nature should be reviewed by the board.

I am not trying to come off "holier than thou"; my intention was to 
raise awareness on two fronts, that's it. I agree with Chris that being 
an accessible resource does make the community stronger. In the same 
breath, it is the community member’s social responsibility to be aware 
of the community's guidelines. I hope we can close this discussion and 
move on. Please accept my apology for my lack of sensitivity. I do not 
intend to drive anyone away.

Hans K

Chris Shiflett wrote:

>--- inforequest <sm11szw02 at> wrote:
>>For what it's worth, I agree off-list mod is in general a more
>>sensitive approach to maintaining order, and helps keeps S/N high.
>>However, given that this is a recent rule and not well known, I think 
>>**** did the right thing reminding the list that commercial posts
>>need to be approved.
>The fact that it is a recent rule doesn't excuse the misapplication of it.
>Letting someone know that we have a jobs list is great, and that's all
>that needs to be said.
>Even PHP-General allows job postings, and it's the largest PHP mailing
>list in the world.
>>Now that the list has seen a commercial post that didn't have a 
>>"approved by the board" snippet
>Did you read the email? Seriously, I can't imagine that the "commercial"
>bit in the charter was intended to address some growing problem with
>people not knowing we have a separate jobs list. If this were an email
>from someone using the list as an advertising platform, then I would agree
>that it is a misuse of the list, and I also think the poster would know
>that intuitively.
>Anyway, sorry for being the bad guy, but I felt something needed to be
>said. I perceived a bit of a "holier than thou" attitude being projected
>toward someone using us to locate PHP talent, and I don't want to be a
>part of that. I *want* people to use NYPHP's resources to find PHP talent,
>and I appreciate those who do. It makes our group stronger and more
>valuable to the members and to the community.
>Chris Shiflett -
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