[nycphp-talk] PHP5, Oracle 9i, failure to connect

Nathan Lavertue nd at
Wed Aug 25 15:14:18 EDT 2004

Hey... my level of PHP is ok, I don't do a heck of a lot of it
on a daily basis, but I can usually get what I need from it.

I just finished working on a development project creating
charts with data from a MySQL database using the GD 2.0
libraries. However, the database where this will be implemented
is Oracle 9i. I have access to it remotely, from my
workstation, but I've only been able to connect via a shell...
not using PHP.

I am hosting the .php files locally for testing, since I had to
compile my own version of PHP 5 with the graphic libraries, and
OCI8 support. However, the database is on port 1601, and I
haven't been able to get a connection to return any data yet.

... any help would be appreciated. And, I'm sure I'd need to
give more information, but I'm not sure what you'd need to help
though... so, ask away.

nd lavertue // .flash.soldier/pixel.terrorist.
................... //

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