[nycphp-talk] Accessing Properties in PHP OOP

Scott Mattocks scott at
Thu Aug 26 11:17:20 EDT 2004

Adam Maccabee Trachtenberg wrote:

> On Thu, 26 Aug 2004, Joseph Crawford Jr. wrote:
>>better yet, if you want to make things work with php5 as well, do this
>>class client {
>>  function client() {
>>    $this->__construct();
>>  }
>>  function __construct() {
>>    //constructor here
>>  }
> This is unnecessary, as PHP 5 will "fallback" if it can't find a
> constructor named __construct() upon the old PHP 4 style constructor
> naming scheme.
> -adam

But if you don't do it that way then you loose the whole point of 
__construct which is to be able to change the name of the class without 
having to change the name of all the calls to the parent constructor. If 
you don't know where you code will be running or what will happen to it 
in the future its probably better to throw in some redundancy.

Scott Mattocks

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