[nycphp-talk] PHP/setcookie: Can someone work with me on cookies offsite here?

Phillip Powell phillip.powell at
Fri Aug 27 12:35:18 EDT 2004

I'd rather not bug the list with this but I've stumped even the superior 
Chris Bielanski with this one..

I am writing a logout.php script that simply deletes the cookie, deletes 
the session variables and redirects.

Right now, it only redirects.  The cookie and session variables remain 
intact in spite of my best efforts.  I'm at a loss as to what to do at 
this point so I'm appealing to higher minds on this one.  Someone 
contact me and I'll send the code for review and tell me what I did 
wrong, please.


Phil Powell
Multimedia Programmer
BPX Technologies, Inc.
#: (703) 709-7218 x107 
Fax: (703) 709-7219


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