[nycphp-talk] Running PHP5 and PHP4 at the same time

Scott Mattocks scott at
Fri Aug 27 15:09:53 EDT 2004

Phillip Powell wrote:

> Sorry for the question but I need to ask this:  Why would you want both 
> on the same machine?  That makes no sense as far as application 
> development is concerned.  Just have PHP 5 and write code that's 
> backwards-compatible.

 From my original post: "I want PHP4 to run as my CLI version of PHP 
(for PHP-GTK) and PHP5 to work with Apache." PHP-GTK won't run with PHP 
5. PHP-GTK is run from the command line.  I want to continue using 
PHP-GTK therefore I need PHP 4 on the command line.


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