[nycphp-talk] OT: seeking comments on IBM ThinkPad T40 as portable development machine

Paul Reinheimer preinheimer at
Fri Aug 27 20:20:35 EDT 2004

I was previously employed by a fortune 500, and we used IBM laptops
exclusivly, no real tricks or anything, several IT guys had linux on
their laptops and all seemed well.


On Fri, 27 Aug 2004 17:53:51 -0400, Mitch Pirtle
<mitchy at> wrote:
> inforequest wrote:
> > I would appreciate comments from anyone with experience with the IBM
> > Thinkpad T40. I am considering getting this as my on the road machine.
> > It would dual boot XP/Suse, with LAMP installs on both platforms.
> Had one before I left Switzerland, and usaed it on travels ranging from
> Budapest to Hong Kong.  I thought it was terribly ugly at first, but
> quickly grew attached to it as the frequent flier miles piled up.
> I immediately fdisked the machine and never saw Windows on it, but hear
> that it runs XP/2000 nicely ;-)
> -- Mitch
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