[nycphp-talk] Re: Projects

chris feldmann cwf at
Sat Aug 28 19:08:38 EDT 2004

See if you can think of something that would be useful for 
you to use, some internet tool. My not very imaginative 
answer when I asked myself the same question was an email 
client. I had accounts scattered across the various webhosts 
I'd rented space from, or inherited control of a site on. 
So I wrote a PHP email client that could easily hop from 
account to account. So there's network programming, oop when 
you deal with the objects the imap functions return, 
databases, maybe, to store mail or at least logon data. Then 
later others started using it, so there's sessions, cookies, 
what have you.  People complain about the gmail interface, 
but if I have a problem with my webmail interface, I just 
change it to suit my needs. Anyway, it's a not too big (but 
can get very big, if you want) little project.


 >Hi I've been working with PHP now for close to 7 months 
now, and I
 >feel the biggest obstacle for furthering my knowledge is 
lack of
 >projects / sites to create.  I've already worked with 
MySQL a lot, a
 >little bit of PEAR, and worked a bit with OOP.  I was 
wondering if
 >anyone had any suggestions for projects that I do, or a 
strategy that
 >I can use to learn different styles of php.  Thanks.

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