[nycphp-talk] Gmane bidrectional mail 2 news gateway was: Projects

Tim Gales tgales at
Sun Aug 29 17:56:10 EDT 2004

Joseph Crawford Jr. writes: 

> I have a project up my sleeve that i am going to be working 
> on, it is basically a forum but rather than only being a 
> forum i am going to tightly couple it in with newsgroups.
> I plan to make it a news forum that when you go read a 
> thread, you are actually reading messages on a news group.  
> When you reply well.. your post get's sent to the news group.
> Sorta like Clew is doing with mailing lists i guess, i havent 
> had much time to look over Clew.
> I havent seen anything like this before that is what is 
> providing my motivation, that and i will learn a lot such as 
> role based security, Patterns, OOP, reading news messages and 
> connecting to and from a news server, Template based like 
> smarty but i want to write my own to learn.

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