[nycphp-talk] 4 and 5 on the same development box (again)

John Lacey jlacey at
Wed Dec 1 01:41:10 EST 2004

David Mintz wrote:
> This came up a few months back and I can't seem to locate the thread in
> the archives (It seems that when you google "whatever
>" you strike out no matter what 'whatever' is. But I
> digress...)
> Suppose you don't mind restarting Apache to switch between 4 and 5. Is
> there any reason why one couldn't install php5 in something like
> /usr/local/php5 and write a second httpd.conf to work with it, then maybe
> write a shell script for restarting using the appropriate config?
> I've read Adam Trachtenberg's recipes for setting up PHP 5 as a CGI and
> using it alongside PHP4. (Great book that "Upgrading to PHP 5", btw, thank
> you Adam). Makes sense. There was also another recipe proposed by G.
> Schlossnagle on this list -- one of the posts I can't seem to find -- that
> involved mod_proxy and so on, which I'd love to have another look at if
> someone could point the way. But I was wondering about the scenario
> described above.

Here's an August post John Coggeshall wrote with regard to mod_proxy:

and the link to the instructions from the above post:


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