[nycphp-talk] 4 and 5 on the same development box (again)

David Mintz dmintz at
Wed Dec 1 16:59:54 EST 2004

On Wed, 1 Dec 2004, Adam Maccabee Trachtenberg wrote:

> On Wed, 1 Dec 2004, David Mintz wrote:
> > ext/dom/document.lo(.text+0x2914): In function
> > `zif_dom_document_validate':
> > /home/david/downloads/php-5.0.2/ext/dom/document.c:1752: undefined
> > reference to `xmlNewValidCtxt'
> > <snip />
> > and yes I checked libxslt version, it's 1.0.27. Perhaps I'll next try
> > upgrading it anyway and see if that brings any joy.
> While you're at it, check to see what version of libxml2 you're
> running. Make sure you're running a 2.6.x series, you'll be
> happier. The current version is probably best.
> -adam

I did check that and upgraded from shoulda-been-new-enough to most
recent, just to please the gods. Maybe that's what worked because the damn
thing finally built and installed just fine with --with-xsl ! But I was
also mucking about with other things too.

Searching for something to kvetch about:  it works, but I'm not sure what
I did right (-: I was trying to change one thing at a time, but I guess I
should also have taken copious notes.

Thanks much,

David Mintz

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