[nycphp-talk] "It's An Opensource World..." Pointing to New Jobs

Peter Sawczynec psaw at
Tue Dec 7 10:23:03 EST 2004

Cover story article in InfoWorld Dec 06, 2004 issue:
I'm just wondering: it may seem that right now there will be a short-lived
growth spurt in the general corp IT environment for vps, programmers,
webmasters, db admins, etc that have hands on with AMP.
Collectively, members offer I fine pret-a-porter group of future
corp IT associates. 
Is there any value in us [maybe me] getting together a list of IT HR
contacts to which we can regularly email/mail/promote our group as a very
valuable and viable pool of opensource talent.
Then maybe we have a web page with a roster of names linked to contact info
and an online resume.
E.g. I may have a name or two in HR at Corbis, maybe Xerox and Citibank.
Certainly we can find other info online. Maybe you have HR contact name(s)
you can throw in the pool from your own job hunting exp.
Does this have merit? Thoughts...
Warmest regards,
Peter Sawczynec
Munroe Creative
psawczynec at
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