[nycphp-talk] [OT] NoMachine NX Terminal Server

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Sun Dec 12 22:25:05 EST 2004

John Lacey |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

> Hello all,
> Although it's been around for a while, I ran across NoMachine's NX 
> Terminal Server since Knoppix has a free version (FreeNX) on both its 
> 3.6 and just released 3.7 CD.
> NoMachine has a set up where you can test drive NX, after you first 
> download a client.  I downloaded the NX Client for Windows.  The 
> client programs are free; NoMachine charges for the commercial version 
> of the NX server.
> The testdrive link from their homepage:
> When you get it going, it opens a window with a full KDE desktop on 
> your [Windows] box.  The thing that impressed me is its speed.  I'm on 
> a dialup line that never runs faster than 26.4 Kbps and it was usable.
> I've used Knoppix and a USB memory stick as a "backup system" to be 
> able to deliver courses in most any situation without regard to 
> platform (and school sysadmins).  As the NX Terminal Server looks like 
> another, and quite franky, better way to accomplish the same thing, I 
> thought I'd pass this info along.
> enjoy,
> John

Thanks for the heads-up. I just enjoyed a nomachine trial Suse session 
and queried Google Italy. Nice to see my sites at the top of the Google 
results GLOBALLY (I thought I had merely achieved top rank nationally ;-)

More seriously, though, why is this better than a local knoppix or other 
livelinux boot? Sure it's a contender for a persistent VPN to your own 
Linux server (there are others and some free), but isn't knoppix locally 
much faster and easier (no system administration once the ISO is set)?

I was running VNC over ssh from WinXP to a SuSe 9  box with persistent 
connections over a year ago, and I'm pretty sure the wizard who 
configured it for me used only OS components. Zero cost and total 
control. I was using VMware on Windows but lately I have been happy with 

-=john andrews

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