[nycphp-talk] [OT] NoMachine NX Terminal Server

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Sun Dec 12 23:43:52 EST 2004

John Lacey |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

> inforequest wrote:
>> More seriously, though, why is this better than a local knoppix or 
>> other livelinux boot? Sure it's a contender for a persistent VPN to 
>> your own Linux server (there are others and some free), but isn't 
>> knoppix locally much faster and easier (no system administration once 
>> the ISO is set)?
> NX Serever is potentially better since the only thing the students 
> need is a Windows box (with a downloaded NX client), which allows me 
> to do a few interesting things since they are now in a terminal server 
> session with my laptop.  I run many flavors of Linux (not all at once 
> :) on top of VMware on a win2K laptop which is maxed at 1GB RAM.
> You may or may not have an idea of what an instructor can run into 
> when they walk into a class where the systems can be in 
> god-knows-what-state, and they have a course to teach.  For example, I 
> just finished a security tools course that featured the Knoppix-STD 
> CD.  We were doing nessus vulnerability scans on desktops where Win2K 
> was removed and XP and SP2 was installed between class meetings (with 
> no warning) and were then locked down.  I can run several instances of 
> win2k as well as windows 2000 server using VMware and work around 
> problems like that.
> And with NX Server, I can see a potential for User Mode Linux in 
> certain student troubleshooting scenarios, where they have to work on 
> a system that's "not theirs".
> At this point, I'll end since my cat is staring at me wanting to be 
> fed :)
> John

So you run nomachine server on your laptop, and offer it locally over 
their LAN connection. Got it, and it sounds great. Thanks for explaining 
-- and explaining so well.


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