[nycphp-talk] Saving Items for Later in a Shopping Cart

Randal Rust rrust at
Tue Dec 14 09:09:39 EST 2004

A partner and I are building an ecommerce app. He is handling the 
commerce part of the system, but has to go out of the country for a few 
weeks and now it's all in my lap (as was planned).

In looking at the cart, there is an issue that I am not quite sure how 
to resolve. Any customer (registered or not), should be able to add 
items to their shopping cart, leave the site, and come back later and 
still see the items in their cart.

I was thinking I could pull this off by using the session id and storing 
it in the cart, but that won't work if the customer leaves the site and 
comes back a day later.

Now I am thinking that I will have to use a cookie, but even then, how 
do I ensure that the customer sees the correct items when they return? 
Would it work to store the IP address?

Any suggestions?

Randal Rust

R.Squared Communications
Digital Design for Bricks-and-Mortar Businesses

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