[nycphp-talk] Shooting stars pour down the black heaven...

Peter Sawczynec psaw at
Thu Dec 16 10:43:49 EST 2004

     Out back the horizon was strangely tinted. Low sun floated, a metallic
pink bubble behind stubby grey oaks with branches retaining clutches of
tightly curled crimson and gold leaves. Giant, shining blackbirds commanded
and complained. Robins cased the plush crusted field. An alert rabbit stood,
nose moving precisely like swanky hips, stared towards the broad white
Victorian with lemon shutters, mint window frames, pink trellises under the
gables, and three sides of wide porch filled with four generations of white
rockers, an Adirondack, two swings and a hammock.
     Rough winds smacked the frosted glass in the second floor dormers.
Ancient warped wooden sashes clicked and clapped in the frames. Fine brass
wind chimes strained and sprayed in the gusts, hurling icy tinkles. A rake,
hoe and shovel slid from position and sequentially clunked to the floor.
     Time lapsed in my unforgettable floating world.
     Happy, happy holidays to you and yours...
Warmest regards,
Peter Sawczynec
Technology Director
psaw at
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