[nycphp-talk] Quick DHTML/FLash Conflict Question

Josh McCormack joshmccormack at
Thu Dec 16 15:00:32 EST 2004

Rahmin Pavlovic wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 12:54 , Peter Sawczynec <psaw at> sent:
>>Using PHP to feed vars to JavaScript that creates DHTML menu system on the
>>When the menu is opened and menu items overlay a Flash .swf on the same
>>the .swf file is always on top obscuring menu items.
>>Can ordinary HTML be forced on top of Flash? Use CSS z-index?
> Not really.  Best cross-browser method I can think of is to make the movie
> disappear when the menu is activated (reappearing when deactivated) using either
> the css 'display' or 'visible' properties.
Switch out the movie with a gif of it, if possible.


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