[nycphp-talk] php + mysql

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Sat Dec 18 22:26:55 EST 2004


On Sat, Dec 18, 2004 at 02:37:26PM -0500, Juancarlos Aponte wrote:
> require_once ('mysql/mysql_connect.php');


> $dbc = mysql_connect (DB_HOST,DB_USER,DB_PASSWORD);
> mysql_select_db (DB_NAME);

As the manual says, and I said twice, you need to use the mysqli 
extension.  And, as the manual said and I said last time, you have to use 
mysqli_connect() and mysqli_select_db()
     ^                    ^
    notice the "i"'s  there?
All of the functions you need to operate with MySQL 4.1 need to have an 
"i" in them.

As far as phpmyadmin, I bet there's a setting you didn't set telling it to 
use the mysqli extension.

Good bye,


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