[nycphp-talk] WAMP on a new XP box with SP2 possible? SOLVED

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Mon Dec 20 09:13:36 EST 2004

Hi gang,

Funny enough, the culprit wasn't SP2 or the firewall, it was either
skype or trillian.  Stopped both, reinstalled Apache2, and now
everything is running just fine.

Had no idea either would try to co-opt port 80 on the local machine,
but caught one of them red-handed with netstat.

Thanks for the attempts, and best wishes to everyone for the holidays.

-- Mitch, grateful to be associated with such a great group of
talented individuals

On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 21:16:15 -0500, Mitch Pirtle <mitch.pirtle at> wrote:
> On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 17:49:09 -0500, Daniel Convissor
> <danielc at> wrote:
> > Sounds like you have another web server running.  IIS?  A worm?  Another
> > version of Apache?  Run netstat to see what's up with port 80.
> Nothing is on port 80, or 443.  *sigh*
> > Hmmm,  That's odd.
> >
> > Anyway, I strongly suggest going the simple, 100% reliable route.  Apache
> > 1, PHP as CGI.
> Not an option, coding future stuff for the 2.0.x series - and no
> longer see 1.3.x in production (in over 20 sites).
> Looks like this is a common problem, and the solution is not apparent yet.
> -- Mitch

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