[nycphp-talk] Re: mysql_close() error

Faber Fedor faber at
Tue Dec 21 17:00:57 EST 2004

On 21/12/04 16:20 -0500, Frank Wong wrote:
> Has anyone seen an error like this before?
> Warning: mysql_close(): 12 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource
> I connected to the DB using
> *************************************************************************
> 	// Connecting, selecting database //
> 	$link = mysql_connect($host, $sys_user, $sys_password)
> 		or die("Could not connect : " . mysql_error());
> 		mysql_select_db($sys_db) or die("Could not select database");
> *************************************************************************
> I tried to close using
> *************************************************************************
> 	// Closing connection //
> 	mysql_close($link);
> *************************************************************************
> Other than that, I only use the $link to query the DB.  How does $link
> become 12 as stated in the error message?  This is driving me nuts...

The way I read this is as follows:

You open a connection to MySQL and assign that connection to $link.
$link is kinda like a filehandle; it's a number that magically points to
something. If you were to execute the mysql_connect() multiple times and
print $link after each, you'll see increasing (probably sequential)

For some reason, when you go to close $link, it's no longer pointing to
a database connection/filehandle.

So don't worry about the value of $link, worry about why $link no longer
points to a database resource.


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