[nycphp-talk] Help... NeverEverNoSanity WebWorm generation 8.

Tim Sailer sailer at
Wed Dec 22 10:14:42 EST 2004

On Wed, Dec 22, 2004 at 10:11:07AM -0500, Jeff Siegel wrote:
> This seems to be a combination of PHP and phpBB issue.
> Personally speaking...if you've got this combination, I think it's time 
> to dump phpBB since it seems to often be on the "security vulnerability" 
> list.

phpBB seems to have features that everyone likes. Not that it's an excuse,
but those of us who do hosting have customers that demand things like
phpBB, so, until there's something that's as good or better (in their view),
I for one, am stuck with frequent patching. This all reminds me way too
much of Sendmail-patch-du-jour.


Tim Sailer <sailer at> 
Information and Special Technologies Program
Office of CounterIntelligence 
Brookhaven National Laboratory  (631) 344-3001

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