[nycphp-talk] mysql and mysqli together (with PHP 5.0.3)

David Mintz dmintz at
Sun Dec 26 21:53:31 EST 2004

On Sun, 26 Dec 2004, Hans Zaunere wrote:

> [...]
> There might be problems with dynamically loading an extension, since I'm
> not sure how stable/recommended that actually is.  Perhaps a recompile
> with the extensions as static would help?

OK, you're teaching little Special Ed now. I didn't think I was
dynamically loading anything. If you compile --with-this and --with-that
(which is what I'm doing with mysql and mysqli), then when your scripts
use this and that extension, it's what, static or dynamically loaded?
Static, I thought.


On Sun, 26 Dec 2004, Daniel Convissor wrote:

> Got Zend Optimizer running?  Upgrade it.  PHP changed some internal
> things in 4.3.10 that makes ZO wack out.
> Some significant mistakes were made in the 4.3.10 and 5.0.3 releases.
> Quite sad.

OK I will give that a try, thanks Dan. I see they say are saying

"Due to incompatibility of the previous version of Zend Optimizer with
PHP 4.3.10, it is strongly recommended that owners of Zend Performance
Suite, Zend Accelerator, Zend Studio Server, and Zend WinEnabler, upgrade
to Zend Optimizer 2.5.7.

It is also recommended you upgrade to PHP 4.3.10 or PHP 5.0.3."

Re that last bit, I'm kind of like, huh? Upgrading is what brought me all
this grief in the first place, whereas the status quo ante was cool. Oh
yeah that's right, the security thing is why I upgraded....

I look forward to 4.3.11 and 5.0.4 -- I think (-:

David Mintz

"Don't let the liberal media tell you what to think
and feel. If you have hatred in your heart, let it out."

   -- Clayton Bigsby, black white supremacist

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