[nycphp-talk] help needed

Henry Ponce henry at
Tue Dec 28 14:31:48 EST 2004


the problem is that, using firefox or MS Internet Explorer, I can only open 
the page once, with no problems and I can only refresh once (in Firefox) and 
0 times with Internet Explorer.

With Mozilla or Opera explorer i get no mistakes. i can refresh as many times 
as i wish.

the page has a complete version with all the 
includes. I have created a smaller version in with only one include. And 
i get the same error.

This is very strange. I have checked all the mysql queries and the connection.

Here is my phpinfo():

I have been searching google all day for a solution. But i'm stuck. I don't 
think it has to do with timeouts, because i see it perfectly with Mozilla and 

I hope this explains my problem. Please help.


On Tuesday 28 December 2004 16:22, Joseph Crawford wrote:
> i am not seeing the problem using firefox 1.0 can you be more specific
> as to what you are getting?  I went to the site and refreshed about 4
> times and the site loaded fine for me.

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