[nycphp-talk] trouble with PHP5 CGI Suse 9.1 - client denied byserver configuration

Hans Zaunere hans at
Thu Dec 30 14:19:23 EST 2004

> > <rant>
> > Xampp for Windows really spoils you. Once you have downloaded the
> > sources for 10 different libraries from 10 different sites, built
> > using 10 distinct set of ./configure directives, located the
> > binaries, log files, libary, source directories for Apache andMySQL
> > all in different places -, then built PHP three different times
> > different configure directives, and then fought with Apache over one
> > Apache directive overriding another, then wondering why  your
> > distribution moved some configuration file from
> > to someother/obscure/directory, you realize how wonderful Windows
> > are. If you need a particular extension on Windows, all you have to
> > is uncomment it in php.ini and restart XAMPP. But no, on Linux you
> > to first go through the whole compile song and dance - first for the
> > libraries you want, then again for PHP. I may not have said this
> > but Thank God for Bill Gates and Microsoft for have spared me this
> > misery of compilation so far! (If only Windows weren't so easily
> > hackable, WAMP would be an AWESOME platform.)
> > </rant>

Of course, there's the FreeBSD ports system...

> Even gentoo was just an emerge away, and the most primitive system I
> know of (FreeBSD) has packages available...  What distro you using,
> jurrassic linux?  Did it come on floppies?

Whow... never heard that.  The FreeBSD ports system is probably the most
advanced, and all that Gentoo has made a feeble attempt at copying.  I
generally compile all key components/libs from source anyway, but
there's nothing worse than getting caught up in a web of RPMs, except
maybe apt-gets.  But then there's no sense getting into a
my-package-system-is-better-than-yours discussion, since there's never
an answer :)

Hans Zaunere
President, Founder
New York PHP

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