[nycphp-talk] PEAR on shared servers

Nasir Zubair nasir81 at
Fri Dec 31 10:07:10 EST 2004

I have found that many hosts do not know what PEAR is. Some are lazy
to look into it and some are paranoid, as you suggested :-) And there
is usually not much you can do to change their attitude.

I usually place the package file in a "lib" folder and change the
include path to look for proper files there.

On Thu, 30 Dec 2004 21:38:51 -0500, Matthew Terenzio
<webmaster at> wrote:
> A web hosting company is telling me they don't install PEAR (third
> party software) because of security reasons?
> I showed them a number of installed packages they already had and said.
> "you mean except these?"
> But how can most of these packages be less secure than the hundreds of
> PHP scripts running all over the server.
> Most likely the contrary right?
> MT
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> New York PHP Talk
> Supporting AMP Technology (Apache/MySQL/PHP)

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